

EPO newsletter 2015年第1号から

EPO newsletter 2015年1号が発行されました。

Today's photo | Girl Reading a Book at HomeBY VIKTOR HANACEK


EPO newsletter  (原則隔週木曜日発行。臨時号有)
Patent Information News (年4回発行)



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EPO newsletter// issue 01/2015     22 January 2015
A very happy New Year to all our readers!
EPO receives a record 273 000 patent filings in 2014
This is an increase of around 3%, and a new all-time high. “These figures are only a first estimate, but they confirm Europe’s continued strength as a hub of innovation,” said EPO President Benoît Battistelli.
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EPO President and Council Chair in joint interview 
President Benoît Battistelli and Administrative Council Chairman Jesper Kongstadt gave a joint interview to Managing IP in December.
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Deadline for Praktika Intern 2015 approaching
This programme gives professional representatives a chance to look at their daily work from the viewpoint of an EPO examiner. The three-week internship takes place in Directorate-General 1, which is responsible for search, examination and opposition.
Apply before 30 January 

Solidarity against terrorism
The EPO President issued a message of sympathy and sorrow following the terrorist attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo. “This horrendous act goes against fundamental values that form the bedrock of democracy in Europe,” he wrote. Staff at all sites were invited to observe a minute’s silence for the victims and their families.
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Searching for patents
Patent Information News 4/2014
Patent information news
The final issue of Patent Information News from last year is now available on the website. It includes a report on a recent speech by President Battistelli on the future strategy for patent information, as well as news on forums, the European Patent Register and Espacenet.
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Patent information training seminars 2015
An exciting programme of patent information events has been added to our calendar. It includes specialist topics like patent statistics and business use of patent information, as well as our new signature event, “Seminar on patent searching”, which provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of patent information.
Find out more and register 

Webinars on patent searching 
A free online course on the European Patent Register on 23 February will kick off our series of webinars for 2015. The schedule comprises regular newsflashes as well as special sessions on EPO patent information products and services.
Find out more and register

Learning & events
Have you registered for Search Matters yet? Registration closes on 10 February!
EPO examiners from a wide range of technological fields will be revealing their search strategies and techniques at this two-day event on 5 and 6 March. The workshops are filling up quickly, so register now to secure your place. The few remaining places left for the individual at-the-desk sessions with examiners on 4 March will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Read more 



じつは、EPO newsletter、購読項目が選べます。


Searching for patents 以降の項目は、

Searching for patents と Learning,  Online service の3項目にしてます。(笑

実際のところ、特許情報系ですと、やっぱりPatent Information News (年4回発行) が圧倒的な情報量で、充実しておりますが → Patent Information News (2014/04) (この記事時点での最新号です)

日常的な情報などは、隔週発行のEPO newsletter をチラ見するのが便利、なんて思います。


なお、Patent Information News (年4回のほう) は、
Patent Information News(旧 EPIDOS-NEWS)日本語版



連絡板 ■少しずつ増えてます → 検索コラム集目次
●  講習テキストの販売を始めました。
採用情報 はこちらから。よろしくお願いいたします。

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